Traditional fire pit pottery teachings
(hands on – materials provided) (Seasonal)
On the Land and Boardroom / Classroom
Due to the time it takes for the clay to dry prior to firing, this session is done in three parts with a minimum of one week between session 1 and 2.
Part #1 – Get your hands dirty with clay! You will learn the introductory teachings surrounding pinch, coil or paddle pot making. Come together as a group in this relaxing, fun environment. You will be making 2 pots. This session is done indoors – either in our 516 Main Street Boardroom, your classroom or your boardroom.
Duration: up to 2 hours
Part #2 – Firing your pottery. This session is done on the land. Learn how to build and use a fire pit to fire your pot. This traditional technique takes time…. at the end of the firing the pots will need to cool overnight, covered in the pit.
Duration: 1.5 hours to prepare site / material for fire cover + 2 hours minimum for finishing fire
Part#3 – Come back to the land for tea and bannock and dig up your creation.
Duration: 1 hour
Total Duration: Minimum 7 hours